Let us help connect you with UC Davis people, departments and resources.
Davis Campus
CONTACT a team member
PHONE: 530-752-9795
Fax: 530-754-2026
Email: General Inbox
MAILING ADDRESS: (Not for FedEx or UPS, use physical address for deliveries)
UC Davis
Government and Community Relations
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: (No US Postal Service mail accepted at this address)
202 Cousteau, Suite 240
Davis, CA 95618
- Turn Right as you exit elevators on 2nd Floor and down the hall towards the OLICHNEY LAB (door #240 will be on your right)
- OR, Take Left at the top of the stairs and down the hall towards the OLICHNEY LAB (door #240 will be on your right)
GOOGLE MAPS LINK: Coordinates for 202 Cousteau Place, Davis, CA 95618
Sacramento Health Campus
CONTACT a team member
PHONE: 916-734-5441
Fax: 916-734-5777
Email: HS-Community.Relations@ucdavis.edu
UC Davis Health
Government and Community Relations
2315 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817