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Working closely with UC Federal Government Relations office in Washington, D.C. 

Brandon Minto Photo
Fed. Relations Director Brandon Minto

Contact Federal Government Relations
Director Brandon Minto

(530) 752-9795

Brandon is the Director of Federal Government Relations at UC Davis, where he serves as the chief advocate, representative and spokesperson for the University on all federal matters. He is responsible for building understanding, awareness and support of UC Davis among federal elected officials, their staffs and with the federal administration, while also developing and promoting opportunities to raise UC Davis’ profile and that of its leadership, faculty, students and staff among federal decision-makers. 

  • Outreach to and engagement with elected officials
  • Travel to Washington, D.C. on university business
  • Campus research and policy agenda
  • Updates to the campus community on federal legislation and budget
  • Advocacy questions
  • Congressional inquiries concerning the campus and its programs