Samath Sandeep

Samath Sandeep

Position Title
UCAN Student Ambassador


Samarth Sandeep is a fourth year materials engineering student at UC Davis who is passionate about solving big problems with new technology.

Currently, he serves as the president of the Quantum Computing Club, which serves to help the UC Davis community gain access to new computing devices that can dramatically increase speed and accuracy of problem solving in a variety of areas, and president of Hard Tech Campus, which provides mentorship to turn sustainable projects ran by students into real product. Additionally, he spends much of his time pursuing the development of a startup to help design new biomaterials called Iff Technologies. Samarth joined UCAN because he realized that new technologies can only work if they are coupled with strong policy that enables widespread equal use and education. Through UCAN, he hopes to campaign for policies that will allow for other students across the UC system to access top technology and be able to use it to make positive change across California.

Membership and Service
  • 2020-2021
