State Relations

Legislative Budget and Resources

Our team leads efforts on UC legislative priorities and budget advocacy. 

Access commonly used government budget, department and resource links. 

Choose a government level.

State          Federal 

Legislative Officials and UC Maps

Government and Community Relations is the official voice of UC Davis and liaison to elected officials and their staffs.  Elected Officials representing areas in close proximity to UC Davis campus and UC Davis Health system are listed here.


View member websites and their UC in District Map.

Further explore the UC in CA map to view the reach of UC’s teaching, research and public service mission across all districts.

Legislative Bill Lookup

Search the California Legislative Information and the U.S. website for official bill and document information. 

Which government level would you like to search?

State         Federal

UC Davis Legislative Updates

Legislative updates are provided by the directors for state and federal relations to highlight legislation affecting higher education, specifically UC and UC Davis.  

Which government level are you interested in reading about?

  State          Federal 

State Budget and Legislative Resources

Take Action: California Budget


Budget Timeline

Mid-November  Regents' Budget Proposal

January  Governor's Budget Proposal

Late January  Campus Planning Letter

March-April  Annual Budget Meetings

Mid-May Governor's May Revise

May-June  Preliminary Campus Decisions